What You Can Do For Your Club

Probus South Pacific Ltd has published an informative booklet entitled ‘Your Passport To Probus’ which is a valuable resource for all Probians. We quote verbatim below the following important information from page 23 of this booklet, entitled:

‘What You Can Do For Your Club’

As a Probus club member, you are encouraged to:

•Pay your annual membership fees in a timely manner
•Attend meetings regularly
•Get to know your management committee
•Participate in discussions and club decision making
•Understand your club’s policies on risk management, apologies and privacy
•Attend club activities and special events
•Join club special interest groups
•Act as guest speaker
•Bring a friend or neighbour along to a meeting
•Bring new ideas to your club
•Encourage other active retirees in the community to join a Probus club
•Be welcoming to new members
•Promote Probus awareness in your own community
•Submit newsworthy articles to Active Retirees™ magazine and your local newspaper
•Post Probus information on community notice boards
•Promote the Probus Jingle to your local community radio station
•As some stage, during your membership nominate to take an active role and serve as a member of your club’s Management Committee. If you are interested in becoming a member of your club’s Management Committee, discuss it with a fellow member; you’ll find it both fun and rewarding.

Your Association considers this an informative pocket booklet containing a great deal of useful information with which all Probians should be aware. The booklet is available free of cost through your club. Ask your club’s management for your copy.

Probians should also be aware that newsworthy articles, club news, and other relevant information can also be submitted for publishing in the Victorian Probian journal which is available free of cost to members of all Probus clubs affiliated with the Probus Association of Victoria. See ‘Victorian Probian’ webpage on this website for details of how and where to submit your articles.