Welcome to the Website of The Probus Association of Victoria

The Probus Association of Victoria Inc. (PAV) was founded in 1983 and provides a forum for Office Bearers of affiliated Clubs whereby they may exchange ideas and information, thus encouraging the advancement of Probus ideals and programs.

Membership is open to any Probus Club in the State of Victoria. The current PAV membership is around 400 clubs. Cost of membership of PAV takes the form of an annual levy of 80c per individual Club member.

The Association is the social arm of Probus in Victoria. It is NOT involved in the creation of Probus Policy. 

This is the domain of Probus South Pacific Limited (PSPL) which is the administrative and service centre for the South Pacific region. Therefore, management of administrative and insurance matters is not part of the function of the State Association. PSPL may be contacted via details on this website www.probussouthpacific.org

The intention of this website is to give the viewer an insight into the purposes, functions, and activities of the Victorian Association by means of the menu listing.

Whether you are already a member of a Probus Club, or are perhaps recently retired and are a newcomer to the concept of Probus, we trust you can learn much from these pages.

Viewers of this site will note that PAV has its own logo posted on the left hand side of the header. This logo is registered and may not be copied or used under any circumstances by clubs or any other organization without the prior permission of the PAV committee.

Join Probus for Fun and Fellowship

Probians enjoy outdoors together. Probians enjoy sport together. Probians perform together. Probians caravan together. Probians do strange things together. Probians are fashion conscious together. Probians celebrate together. Probians travel overseas together.  And most important – Probians enjoy life together. If you are contemplating retirement, or are retired, consider joining a Probus Club today!