Why Membership of PAV

Why should your Club be a member of PAV?

What do you get for paying 40 cents per member each year?

Member Clubs receive the following benefits:

  • The ability to connect and liaise with fellow member clubs at quarterly delegate meetings held in February, May, August, and November. Each club is entitled to send one voting delegate to each of these meetings.
  • Delegate meetings have a member forum at which clubs may exchange views and information on Probus matters.
  • The Association publishes a periodic member journal of club news and photos, which is an excellent source of news on administration, social activities, club news, travel, sporting activities, concerts, caravan groups. This journal is published five times each year and is FREE to members of clubs that are members of PAV.
  • The Association’s maintains an extensive website (www.probusvic.com.au) which provides a wide range of up-to-date information about Probus activities and events.
  • The Association also lists websites details for the growing number of clubs that have created their own individual websites which outline club activities.
  • The Association sponsors annual lawn bowls, golf, and croquet tournaments.
  • The Association organisms periodic Probus “Friendship Days” which enables all clubs to get together for Friendship, Fellowship and Fun which is the ultimate goal of all Probians.
  • The Association has a very successful caravan and camping group, which usually holds two meets each year in various parts of Victoria.
  • The Association has sponsorship from two successful travel companies, Trade Travel, and Grand Pacific Tours, who promote their tour activities via the PAV website.
  • The Association’s website now contains directories listing suggested guest speakers and outings and tours for the enjoyment of their members. However, these directories are password protected and are accessible only to PAV member clubs.

And your Club gets all these benefits for just 40 cents per member each year.

Currently PAV has a membership of well over 300 clubs.

If your club is still not a member, consider the above reasons for being a member and join now!